How to Download Ios 7 Without Jailbreak

Want to Download Cydia No Jailbreak, No Computer, then you are in the right place to know "How to get Without Jailbreak iOS 11+/10+/9+/8+/7+". iCydia and iNoCydia are alternatives to Cydia.

Cydia Download No Jailbreak No Computer:Howdy Geeks, I am back again with one more interesting post, this article is somewhat different compared to other articles, just read the article you will know what this article is all about. I think everyone means especially iDevice user always want's to download paid apps for free that too without jailbreak their devices. Ya, you can do all those things with the app named "Cydia". Here you can also Download Zydia For iOS 11/10/9/8/7.

  • Note: Make sure you have latest iOS Version if you don't how to check it just follow me go to "Settings" >> "General" >> "Software Update". Click on the Software Update and wait few minutes to complete the software update. Warning: Take Backup before update the software.

Don't think Cydia is only for Jailbreak users, just follow my trick you will get Cydia on non-jailbroken iPhone, iPad, iPod Touch too. Actually, Cydia is a jailbreaking tool which helps jailbreak users to get whatever they want from the iTunes without paying money. Don't wait more it's time to "Download Cydia For iOS 10.2, 10.1, 9.3.5, 9.3.4, 9.3.3, iOS 8+, iOS 9+, iOS 7+ Without Jailbreak".

Also Read:

  • Download TuTuCydia on iPhone/iPad.
  • Install AppValley on iOS 11/10/9/8/7.


  1. Non-Jailbroken iPhone, iPad, iPod Touch.
  2. WiFi or Internet Connection with good speed.
  3. Updated iOS version for your iDevice.
Compatibility Check:
iDevices: iPhone 7, iPhone 7S, iPhone 6S Plus, iPhone 6S,iPhone 6Se, iPhone 6 Plus, iPhone 6, iPhone 5S, iPhone 4S, iPad Air 2, iPad Air, iPad Mini 3, iPad Mini 2, iPad Mini, iPod Touch
iOS Versions: iOS 10.3.5, iOS 10.3.4, iOS 10.3.3, iOS 10.3.1, iOS 10.2.1, iOS 10.1.1, iOS 10.0.1, iOS 10.0.2, iOS 9.3.4, iOS 9.3.5, iOS 9.3, iOS 9.3.1, iOS 9.3.2, iOS 9.3.3, iOS 9.2, iOS 9.2.1, iOS 9.1, iOS 9, iOS 9.0.1, iOS 9.0.2, iOS 8.4.1, iOS 8.4, iOS 8.3, iOS 8.2, iOS 8.1.3, iOS 8.1.2, iOS 8.1.1, iOS 8.1, iOS 8.0, iOS 8.0.1, iOS 8.0.2, iOS 7.1.2, iOS 7.1, iOS 7.1.1, iOS 7.0.6, iOS 7, iOS 7.0.1, iOS 7.0.2, iOS 7.0.3, iOS 7.0.4.

Download Cydia For iOS Without Jailbreak iPhone/iPad/iPod Touch:

Jailbreaking, Ya Jailbreaking is one of the hardest things for iOS users, but that is the only way to hack cracked apps and games for free, but here I am giving you how to download cracked and tweaked apps and games for free that too without jailbreaking. Something interest isn't it. Yes just follow my steps to install Cydia For iOS 11+, iOS 9+, iOS 10+, iOS 8+, iOS 7+ Without Jailbreak iPhone/iPad/iPod Touch. DreamBoard For iOS also available here.

  • My Suggestion: Don't Jailbreak you iDevice. If you do, you may get errors like "no network", "phone can't start" and one important thing is you may lose device warranty.

Finally, I want to tell you what Cydia can do. This is an app which allows us to download paid apps, Themes, Skins and Tweaks everything for free on your both jailbroken and non-jailbroken iDevices.

How to Install Cydia For iPhone/iPad/iPod Touch No Jailbreak on iOS 10+, iOS 9+, iOS 8+, iOS 7+, iOS 10.2, 10.1, 9.3.3, 9.4.1:

  • Note: First thing to Download Cydia we need a third-party app for iDevice, here in this article I am giving you FlekStore which works fine for me.

Step 1) First of all Download FlekStore For iOS on your non-jailbroken iPhone, iPad, iPod Touch.

  • Important: Read the whole article from the above link to download FlekStore without any errors.

Step 2) Now open FlekStore click on the "three lined symbol" at the top left corner after that you will find different options there tap on the "Tweaks" option.

Click on Tweaks Section

Step 3) Here you will get apps, scroll down the page and search for "Cydia", if you find click on it to start the installation process.

Click on Cydia

Step 4) Now you will automatically navigate to the official web page, there click on "Install" option at the top right corner and one more thing check the developer name only Install if it is by "Saurik".

Tap on Install Cydia
Click on Install

Step 5) Now you will navigate to Install Profile page, tap on "Install". Here important thing is to check whether it is verified with your iPhone, iPad, iPod Touch or not. If it is verified, then start the installation process.

Step 6) Now you will get one warning pop-up like installing this profile will change settings on your iDevice. Simply ignore everything tap on "Install Now" option.

Tap on Install Now

Step 7) Now navigate to the home screen of your iDevice there you will see installation process, it may take few seconds depends on your internet connection. After completion of installation process open Cydia it may ask for sign up, fill all the details to sign in.

Related Articles:

  1. Install TutuApp on iPhone/iPad Without Jailbreak.
  2. Download Zestia For iOS 11+/10+/9+/8+/7+ on iPhone/iPad.

How to Install Paid Apps From Cydia Without Jailbreak iPhone-iPad-iPod Touch:

Step 1) Open the Cydia App on iOS 10+/8+/7+/9+ sign in with your login details there at the top bottom(it may change depends on your iDevice) you will find three options like "Home", "Manage", "Settings". Click on "Manage" option.

Click on Manage and navigate to Sources

Step 2) Now you will get three options like "Packages", "Sources", "Storage". Click on "Source" option there you will find "Add Repos" option and add the repo Url.

  • Note: It's your own work find the app repUrl from the web and add it to the Add Repos option and download the app from Cydia.

Must Check:Download iAndroid For iOS to feel Android on your iDevice.

How to Download Cydia Installer For iOS | Install Cydia Without Jailbreak:

If the above method not works for you, then try this method to know more "How to get Cydia without Jailbreak iOS 10+/9+/8+". After completion of the steps you can get Cydia Installer App download on your iPhone, iPad. You can also Download Cyrus Installer from Cydia Installer.

  • First of all navigate to "Settings" >> "General" >> "About", there scroll down the page and search for Version option, check whether you have latest iOS version or not. If not update your iOS version to the latest, but make sure you have take back up on your iDevice.
check iOS Version
check iOS Version
  • Now open Safari web browser on you iPhone, iPad and then navigate to, there click on "Browse all themes" option.
tap on Browse all themes
tap on Browse all themes
  • After that you will navigate to the page where all themes are available, just scroll down the page and search for "Fake Jailbreak by Silv", if you find just tap on it.
Click on Fake Jailbreak
Click on Fake Jailbreak
  • Now you will automatically navigate to Fake Jailbreak theme page, there tap on "Application icons" option.
Tap on Application icons
Tap on Application icons
  • Now scroll down the page and search for the "Silver'sApps" option tap on it, after that navigate to the bottom of the page there click on "Install iCons" option.
Select SilversApps and click on Install icons
Select SilversApps and click on Install icons
  • Here you will navigate to Install profile page, simply tap on "Install" option at the top right corner.
Install Cydia No Jailbreak
tap on Install
  • Again Click on "Install" option and start the Cydia Installation on non-jailbroken iPhone, iPad.
Install Cydia Without Jailbreak
Install Cydia Without Jailbreak
  • Finally, go to home screen there you will find Cydia Installer. Just open the app find the Cydia Alternatives like Emu4iOS, FlekStore, iApps4u, HipStore etc… Finally you install Cydia Without Jailbreak iOS 10.
Download Cydia No Jailbreak
Download Cydia No Jailbreak


That's it, Buddies, this is the best ever method which allows you to download Cydia without Jailbreak. If you face any errors or problems while installing let me know through comments. Finally, I conclude this article is all about "Download Cydia For iOS 11+/10+/9+/8+/7+" and "Install Cydia on iPhone/iPad Without Jailbreak".

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How to Download Ios 7 Without Jailbreak


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